You should start using a password manager

About a quarter of respondents to the same survey said they had employed a password manager to help them with this issue. These results are a good reminder that a platform that helps you manage your password—popular options include 1Password and LastPass—is a strong, if imperfect, solution to the problem of personal online security.

Password managers basically do two things: they autofill your existing passwords for you, and even better, they can generate a long, complex, random code for you and store that too. Browsers like Chrome and Safari can do that already (Apple, for example, saves those passwords in your iCloud Keychain). Those services can be a good option if you use just one system heavily, like an iPhone, plus a Mac, plus Safari.

But a third-party password manager will work across multiple platforms—from apps to different browsers, whether it’s a Google product or an Apple one.


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